Saturday, March 21, 2009


"Optimism is the foundation of courage!" Don't you love this quote? I have spent my many years as an optimist, but never connected it with courage. It takes courage in life to set goals, to focus on your journey, work hard and to experience success and accomplishment.

I am optimistic that I'll recover from this pneumonia that has "clipped my wings!" Those of you who know me, know that I really don't like to be down. I feel like the energy bunny who's batteries ran out. I trust I'll be back to normal soon, as I am a high energy person who has places to go and people to meet.

I'm in between classes and will start April 14Th again with another "How to Write Your Personal History Class" at B-W college. My "Watercolor Art" classes will also restart next week in Strongsville, I am working on a piece (hopefully a masterpiece) that will be shown in my very first art show! Imagine that? . So I will think positive and hope and pray for wellness so I can get back into the mainstream of my life.

Always be optimistic, think positive and appreciate your wellness in life! Make yourself a wonderful day!


  1. How are you feeling? I've been hoping the pneumonia has cleared out and you are up and on the go again.

    This has been a rough season on a lot of people's lungs.
