Friday, January 16, 2009

Life Is Good

Life is good and when you live long enough to experience the peaks and valleys, you find out that it is the peaks you cherish and remember. I've accomplished everything from getting married, having 3 children, working for 30 years, experiencing the joy of 7 grandchildren, college in my 40's, belly dancing, latin dancing, disco dancing, line dancing, writing my own personal history, watercolor and oil painting, yoga, water aerobics, travel. I have found that the grandest, greatest and most important thing in life --- is love of family.

However, the best is yet to come, as I have so much in life I would like to experience and learn. I am truly blessed with many, many friends and a loving family and I love them all from the bottom of my heart. My motto is "Make New Friends and Keep the Old, one is Silver and the other Gold!"

Make yourself a wonderful day!


  1. I hope you can imagine how excited I was to receive the e-mail with the link to your blog. We share many things, especially the passion for life fulfillment. In my short 20 years, I strive to accomplish. You are an inspiration to never stop accomplishing. You embrace everyday as a an opportunity to learn and grow. You do this while reflecting and appreciating. You are one of my angels and I am so excited to read this blog and learn more about you.

  2. Nick, I'm still learning "blogging" and I'm actually researching a class in it at the Strongsville Rec Center. Go figure, so you see you've been an inspiration to me to learn more. My days are so full now, I'm not sure I can squeeze much more into them and that is a fantastic thing. I'd like to be able to send pics from time to time and I need to find out how to put you on "my blogs list!" I've hunted and pecked and got this far and I can really say I'm proud of myself. You are amazing and I really enjoy and appreciate the pics (done very well, I might add) and places your experiencing. All these things will be sure to make you a well rounded individual.
    Thanks for the sunshine. Love, AE

  3. I am so excited to see you blogging!! It's fun isn't it? Nick is a great writer. I just want him to keep doing it and keep feeling good about it.

    He's a good boy.

    Where are you taking a writing class?

  4. Vitamin B-Lardo I'm taking the writing class at B-W, through an organization called ILR.
    Institute for Learning in Retirement. I'm actually also a roving reporter for the quarterly newsletter for this organization called "Senior Moments" and my editor usually has me profiling people. Basically interviewing them and then writing up a story or bio with a picture. I'm still learning!!
